Specialist Directory
AlGhanim, Manar
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: chewchew.com
Chew Chew Pediatric Dentistry - Marda Loop
Suite #201, 2215 33 Avenue SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 228-0550
Email: mardaloop@chewchew.com
Chew Chew - Lincoln Park
Suite #1, 10 Richard Way SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 685-1910
Email: lincolnpark@chewchew.com
Batra, Abhishek
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: calgarysmiles.ca
Calgary Smiles Children’s Dental Specialists
Suite #203, 409 East Hill Blvd S.E, Calgary
Phone: (403) 300-2228
Fax: (403) 300-2227
Email: info@calgarysmiles.ca
Bell, Christine
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdentalhealth.ca
Children’s Dental Health Centre
14 Sage Hill Passage NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 930-0270
Fax: (825) 222-8228
Cholette, Marie-Claude
Pediatric Dentistry
Alberta Children’s Hospital
2888 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 955-7836
Fax: (403) 955-5000
Graham, Richard
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite # 215, 2920 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Grant, Cameron
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: brushfloss.ca
Brush Floss Dentistry for Children
Suite #101, 37 McKenzie Drive, Red Deer County
Phone: (403) 343-0000
Email: reception@brushfloss.ca
He, Don
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdentalhealth.ca
Children’s Dental Health Centre
14 Sage Hill Passage NW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 930-0270
Fax: (825) 222-8228
Children’s Dental Health Centre – SOUTH
Suite #125, 11501 Buffalo Run Blvd, Tsuut’ina
Phone: (403) 730-1777
Fax: (403) 730-1767
Children’s Dental Surgical Centre
Suite #127, 11501 Buffalo Run Blvd, Tsuut’ina
Phone: (403) 730-1787
Fax: (403) 730-1767
Hulland, Sarah
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: abcpd.ca
ABC Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #530, 7015 MacLeod Trail SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 212-0809
Fax: (403) 255-9057
Email: toothworks@abcpd.ca
Krusky, Brad
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: kidssayahh.com
Sayahh City Marlborough Kids Dental Care
Suite #500, 433 Marlborough Way NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 248-5015
Fax: (403) 272-5426
Email: goodtimes@sayahhcity.com
Camp Sayahh Kids Dental Centre
Suite #101, 609 1 Street W, Cochrane
Phone: (587) 493-8188
Email: goodtimes@campsayahh.com
Kurji, Zahra
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: pediatricdentistryon160.com
Pediatric Dentistry on 160
Suite #201, 15961 97 Street NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 406-8870
Fax: (780) 406-8852
Email: info@peddent160.com
Nijjar, Simrit
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
General Dentistry: University of Alberta
Graduate Program: University of Manitoba
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #215, 2920 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Palmer, Adam
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #215, 2920 Calgary Trail NW, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Pilipowicz, Orest
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: chewchew.com
Chew Chew Marda Loop
Suite #201, 2215 – 33 Avenue SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 228-0550
Fax: (403) 228-0552
Email: mardaloop@chewchew.com
Chew Chew Lincoln Park
Suite #1, 10 Richard Way SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 685-1910
Fax: (403) 685-2910
Email: lincolnpark@chewchew.com
Rastegari, Tahmineh
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdental.ca
Ray, Maria
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: gatewaypediatricdentistry.com
Gateway Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #215, 2920 Calgary Trail South, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 705-5437
Email: info@gatewaypd.ca
Saher, Farida
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: dentalcareforchildren.ca
Dental Care for Children - South Port Office
Suite #104, 10601 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 278-8000
Dental Care for Children - Sunridge Office
Suite #110, 3363 26 Avenue NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 457-3311
Schwann, Sandra
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: kidsrusdentistry.com
Kids R Us Dentistry
Suite #101, 10201 Southport Road SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 640-0000
Fax: (403) 640-2599
Email: info@kidsrusdentistry.com
Sheiny, Shirin
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: chewchew.com
Chew Chew Marda Loop
Suite #201, 2215 33 Avenue SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 228-0550
Fax: (403) 228-0552
Email: mardaloop@chewchew.com
Chew Chew Lincoln Park
Suite #1, 10 Richard Way SW, Calgary
Phone: (403) 685-1910
Fax: (403) 685-2910
Email: lincolnpark@chewchew.com
Vaziri, Fardad
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: childrensdental.ca
Children’s Dental Centre
#210, 11808 St. Albert Trail, Edmonton
Phone: (780) 428-5437
Email: info@childrensdental.ca
Zealand, Cameron
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: northcalgarypediatricdentistry.com
North Calgary Pediatric Dentistry
8290C Centre Street NE, Calgary
Phone: (403) 295-8010
Email: referrals@NCPD.ca
Zuker, Ethan
Pediatric Dentistry
Website: mahoganykidsteeth.com
Mahogany Pediatric Dentistry
Suite #210, 3 Mahogany Row SE, Calgary
Phone: (587) 794-3326
Fax: (587) 794-3327
Email: info@mahoganykidsteeth.com